Berlinale Special
17.-19. Februar von 10 bis 16.30 Uhr
211.- Euro

“Acting, you have to teach yourself, but Michael Chekhov gives you the necessary tools to do so … they’ve proved very effective. I’ve used them over and over, and still do them.“
– Clint Eastwood –
„There’s always this need to continue growth, to expand. For me, Chekhov’s system is the most complete.“
– Jack Nicholson –
Dies ist eine seltene Gelegenheit für Schauspieler, Regisseure und Interessierte in Berlin!, die alle fundamentalen Tools der Schauspielmethode von Michael Chekhov lernen und erfahren möchten.
The 5 basic energies / The 6 basic characters
Thinking / Feeling / Willing
Personal atmosphere
Psychological gestures for a character / for a superobjective
Imaginary body and archetypes
Energies of need / tragic flaw / public persona
Energetic work on visible and invisible objectives
Objectives and qualities
Imaginary centers and much more. Let’s transform ! Let’s create !
“Michael Chekhov made me realize that truth as naturalism was far from the truth. In him I witnessed exciting theatrical form with no loss of content, and I know I wanted that too.” – Sanford Meisner –
Termine siehe Beitrag “Terminüberblick Klassen und Kurse”
Sprache: Deutsch und Englisch.
Michael Chekhov entwickelte eine brillante und äusserst effektive Schauspieltechnik, die von seinem Freund und Mitarbeiter George Shdanoff speziell für das Schauspiel vor der Kamera weiterentwickelt wurde. Er unterrichtete viele der berühmtesten Schauspieler Hollywoods (Ingrid Bergmann, Yul Brunner, Gary Cooper, Clint Eastwood, Marilyn Monroe, James Dean und Anthony Quinn) und wurde selbst für seine Rolle in Hitchcocks „Spellbound“ für den OSCAR nominiert. Schauspieler wie Anthony Hopkins, Jack Nicholson oder Johnny Depp verehren und benutzen seine Schauspielmethode.

„Acting, you have to teach yourself, but Michael Chekhov gives you the necessary tools to do so … they’ve proved very effective. I’ve used them over and over, and still do them.“
– Clint Eastwood –
„There’s always this need to continue growth, to expand. For me, Chekhov’s system is the most complete.“
– Jack Nicholson –
This is a rare opportunity to get to know all the fundamental tools of the Michael Chekhov Technique and its further developments by Chekhov’s lifelong companion George Shdanoff.
Michael Chekhov Technique Berlin / The Power of Imagination invites all actors, directors and artists of any kind!
The 5 basic energies / The 6 basic characters
Thinking / Feeling / Willing
Personal atmosphere
Psychological gestures for a character / for a superobjective
Imaginary body and archetypes
Energies of need / tragic flaw / public persona
Energetic work on visible and invisible objectives
Objectives and qualities
Imaginary centers and much more. Let’s transform ! Let’s create !
“Michael Chekhov made me realize that truth as naturalism was far from the truth. In him I witnessed exciting theatrical form with no loss of content, and I know I wanted that too.” – Sanford Meisner –
Chekhov / The Power of Imagination takes place on a regular basis in Berlin and other cities like Munich, Zürich or Vienna.
German and English
Chekhov / The Power of Imagination: Michael Chekhov developed a brilliant and utterly effective technique for actors or any artists. Chekhov’s longtime companion and dear friend developed that technique further, after Chekhov’s death in 1955. A whole list of outstanding actors and actresses used and deeply appreciated Chekhovs work: Ingrid Bergmann, Yul Brunner, Gary Cooper, Clint Eastwood, Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Anthony Quinn, Anthony Hopkins, Jack Nicholson, Johnny Depp, to name just a few. Chekhov himself received an OSCAR award nomination for his wonderful performance in Hitchcocks „Spellbound“.